Our vision
To be a place of excellence for Technical education that graduates students to be responsible citizens.
About Asankrangwa Senior High/Tech
Asankrangwa Senior High Technical School (ASECTECH) was founded in 1991 as a result of the 1987 Educational Reforms Programmes which saw some of the Experimental and Ordinary Junior High Schools being upgraded. ASECTECH which was then Buadum Middle School was upgraded by the Ministry of Education as a Vocational/Technical (VOTECH) Resource Centre to train the youth in skills acquisition which has grown to the present state.
School details
- University Acceptance Rate: 6%
- Category:C
- Gender:Mixed
- Status:Day/Boarding
- Number of Programs:6
- Subjects:Agriculture, Business, Technical, Home Economics, General Arts, General Science
- Location:Asankragwa
- School code:0040503
School Features
School facilities
- Science Lab
- Library
Contact information
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