Kyabobo Girls Senior High

  • Category: C

  • Gender: Girls

  • Type: PUBLIC

  • OTI

Our vision

To produce bold girls who will help in decision making to develop Nkwanta South and mother Ghana.

About Kyabobo Girls Senior High

Kybobo Girls’ Senior High School at Nkwanta South established In 2016 aims at providing inclusive and world class quality for marginalized girls to become assets to their communities and the nation.

School details

  • University Acceptance Rate: 36%
  • Category:C
  • Type:PUBLIC
  • Gender:Girls
  • Status:Day
  • Number of Programs:4
  • Subjects:Business, Home Economics, General Arts, General Science
  • Location:Nkwanta
  • School code:0070305

School Features

School facilities

  • Administration Block
  • Classroom

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