Our vision
Wenchi Methodist Senior High wishes to be one of the best schools in the training of students who are disciplined, methodical, confident, honest and always ahead of their peers in Ghana.
About Wenchi Meth. Senior High
Wenchi Methodist Senior High School (WESS) is one of the few good schools in the Brong Region of Ghana, with an improvement in academics and sports. Teachers in the school are well vested in their specialized areas which makes classroom and other curricular activities more exciting, interesting and encouraging.
School details
- University Acceptance Rate: 37%
- Category:B
- Gender:Mixed
- Status:Day/Boarding
- Number of Programs:6
- Subjects:Agriculture, Business, Home Economics, Visual Arts, General Arts, General Science
- Location:Wenchi
- School code:0060601
School Features
School facilities
- Science Lab
- Classroom
- Dormitory Block
- Library
- School Bus
Contact information
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